High efficiency option for both refrigeration and air conditioning
Capacity Control - Digital Discus™ and Unloader models
CoreSense™ Technology and CoreSense™ Diagnostics capable
Discus valving minimizes re-expansion volume resulting in 10% efficiency improvement
Redesigned crankshaft and bearings for increase life
UL approved compressor
Part Numbers
For standard and accessory parts information for Discus III compressors, refer to OPI.
R-22, R404A, R407C, R407A, R407F, R134A, R507
Learn How To Use CoreSense™ With This Product
Service Replacement:
Due to the lack of an installed base for remanufacturing we have decided at this time to replace Discus III compressors that fail in the field with Discus II. The primary reason for this decision is to avoid the need for wholesalers to stock two separate models for the same application.
Discus II compressors installed in the field for Discus III will require mounting kits. Some examples of these mounting kits are for CoreSense Protection, CoreSense Diagnostics or Demand Cooling. To determine which kits are necessary, use this matrix and the complete model number of the Discus III compressor. You can also contact customer service at 886-298-2482 for assistance.